NewVFX Community Disclaimer and Copyright Notice

The NewVFX community was created by Beijing Nunas Culture Media Co., Ltd., which aims to provide a platform for learning and communication for a wide range of audio-visual enthusiasts and professional film and television practitioners.

In order to avoid disputes over ownership, this site makes the following statement:

1. All articles on this site represent the author’s point of view only and are not related to this standing place.

2. The content published by this website (including but not limited to text, pictures, videos) is owned by and may not be reproduced without the written authorization of the NewVFX website.

3. All works in the NewVFX community are for study use only and may not be used for any purpose related to commercial profitability.

4. This site quotes some text or picture material in the original sharing process. If you have any questions, please contact us, we will deal with it for the first time, thank you!

5. It is strictly forbidden to use this website to publish QR code, qq number and payment code with advertising nature.

6. It is strictly forbidden to use this site to publish and disseminate violent terror, pornographic violations and other illegal information. Once found, it will be handled in strict accordance with relevant laws and regulations.

7. Since September 2020, registered users are allowed to publish and exchange resources in the community to promote exchange and learning. If the published resources infringe your copyright or other rights, please give us feedback and we will deal with it as soon as possible.

The official email address of NewVFX Community: /


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